"After three years of cryogenic sleep, Jonathan Heartspark awakens alone in his spaceship, eager to deliver his package, only to discover that his destination, the planet Bessinger of the Mako Belt system, no longer exists. After landing on the planet of Mutinellis, Jonathan witnesses a giant black hole in its skies, swallowing up nearby planets. Finding himself trapped, he unwittingly joins a group of bounty hunters led by a charismatic woman named Romani Doddridge. While the bounty hunters track the leader of a crime syndicate, Jonathan discovers things about himself, revealing him to be in the best position to stop the anomaly from destroying everything. Can Jonathan complete his mission? Will Romani and her crew survive the catastrophe?"
From Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite
Autographed: Heartspark
"Author Mike Mallow's adventure-packed sci-fi thriller is filled with blistering action sequences, unexpected reveals, and dystopian worlds you can't help but lose yourself in. The plot moves at a brisk pace, taking twists and turns that you never see coming. The fast-flowing narrative and the barrage of new reveals and action keep your eyes glued to the pages. I found the characters distinct, with vibrant personalities that leave a mark on the reader."
–Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite