The biggest consternation I had about moving to the Upper Midwest was how much more snow we would be getting. I despise snow. I am a decent snow driver, but the focus it requires is draining. It's like walking a tightrope where one little slip could mean doom.
We've been fortunate the last two years (so far). West Virginia has gotten much more snow than us, and I do not envy being there as a result.
Still, January and February are months I don't enjoy. For the last two years, I've looked forward to the things to come. This year feels different. While I have a lot on my slate for 2025, I find myself not looking forward to any of it.
It's usually the month where I produce the most writing. As for this writing, I've written fewer than 2,000 words in January. Compared to 16,292 in December and 24,938 in November, that's quite a downturn from my usual pace. Granted, I finished the first part of QUANTUM CROSSING and have been slogging through edits, but I've had time to write more of the second part and have chosen not to.
I feel a certain futility that I never had before. With social media fractured, the people who would most care about my stories aren't getting the news about my books. There are still people out there who don't know there's a sequel to IN THE COUNTRY DARK, let alone two sequels. Getting the word out requires a lot of effort and money, and I have both in short supply.
Maybe this feeling will wear off by spring. The seasonal affective disorder melts with the frost. I hope to find inspiration blooming on the other side of this frigid field of time.
Changelog: Removed the Work-in-Progress section from the site for the moment. The links were not working correctly.