Of course, I already have a WIP page, but I wanted to give an update on the projects I am looking at in 2025.

The ghost book has a final title: A GHOST CHASES THE HORIZON.
I will be making some big decisions on it soon that I can't wait to share. It's been a long road to publication. Someone called it my book baby the other day, and I told them it's technically a book toddler by now.

Book I of QUANTUM CROSSING is complete! At least the first draft is. Editing and revising will begin in January so I know the second part is in good position to be written. I expect that will start in January. Of course, I won't publish any of it until the entire story is complete. I'm done with doing sequels. But that's another post for another time. As of now, Book I has the subtitle DEFEATED BY DISTANCE
I have a short story I am gearing up to sell. THE LAST BREATH ON EARTH is a science fiction short story (technically a novelette) about bounty hunters smuggling an ailing general out of a jovian warzone so he can see Earth one last time before he dies.
Development continues on CORVID HOLLOW and THE APRIL THAW. Corvid tends to be advancing the fastest of the two, but things could change. April Thaw takes place during the end of a Minnesota winter, and inspiration is afoot.
I have two other short stories I'm noodling with. With the West Virginia Writer's Contest coming up, I always try to have something available. A RECAP OF THE DAY'S NEWS, is a quirky story about a plane crash. ADAM & EVE & ADAM & EVE & EVE & ADAM is an experimental concept that could see paper soon. How soon? No clue.
That's where I sit going into January. Here's to a more productive (and successful) 2025.